

COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, has swept across the world, leaving devastation in its wake. While it is transmitted through contact with respiratory droplets from an infected person, those with stronger immune systems have been shown to be more likely to combat and recover from the virus. Therefore, to increase our chances of fighting off the virus, it's crucial to boost our immune system, particularly our lung health. This article will explore exercises that can help boost lung health, ultimately improving our ability to fight off lung infections such as COVID-19.

Cardiovascular Exercises

Cardiovascular exercises, also known as aerobic exercises, are designed to increase heart rate, respiration, and blood flow within the body. These exercises are effective in improving lung capacity and overall health. Some recommended cardiovascular exercises include running, cycling, swimming, and brisk walking. They can be done indoors or in the great outdoors. Cardiovascular exercises have been shown to increase the strength of respiratory muscles, which is essential for improving lung function.


Yoga is an ancient practice that has numerous health benefits, including improved lung function. Practicing yoga can help improve the strength of respiratory muscles, enhance lung capacity, and promote overall relaxation. The deep breathing exercises involved in yoga are particularly beneficial for lung health. Pranayama, a yoga breathing technique, involves deep inhalation and exhalation, which can help clear the lungs of toxins and increase oxygen intake.


Pilates is a low-impact form of exercise that can help to improve lung function and overall strength. The exercises involve controlled movements that focus on improving breathing techniques and core strength. Practicing Pilates can help to increase the capacity of the lungs by teaching proper breathing techniques that can be applied in everyday life.

Breathing Exercises

Deep breathing exercises are a great way to improve lung function and increase oxygen intake. One popular technique is called diaphragmatic breathing or belly breathing. This involves inhaling deeply through the nose and expanding the belly, allowing the diaphragm to drop, which in turns helps the lungs fill with more air. The air is then exhaled slowly through purses lips, which helps to prolong the exhalation process and reduce carbon dioxide buildup.

Resistance Training

Resistance training, also known as weight training, is designed to increase muscle mass and strength. While it is not directly tied to lung function, an increase in muscle mass can aid in the overall body's ability to fight infections. Resistance training can also help increase cardiovascular endurance and lung capacity, making it an effective exercise for improving lung health.



Improving lung health is crucial for fighting off lung infections such as COVID-19. Cardiovascular exercises, yoga, Pilates, and breathing exercises are effective ways to boost lung function and increase overall health. Resistance training can also improve the body's ability to fight infections by increasing muscle mass. Incorporating some of these exercises into your daily routine can help increase your lung capacity and improve your chances of fighting off lung infections such as COVID-19.