

As a foreigner living in a different country, I have come across many cases where people talk about their low immunity levels. However, this subject is not as commonly discussed back in my home country. Here are my observations on how foreigners view low immunity levels.


Understanding Immunity

One of the first things to understand about immunity is that it is affected by various factors such as age, stress, and diet. In some cases, it can also be genetic. When I first heard about some people talking about their low immunity levels, I found it strange. However, as I learned more about their lifestyles here, it became apparent how some factors could contribute to this condition.

Impact on Daily Life

Low immunity levels can have a significant impact on a person's daily life. People with low immunity tend to fall sick often, and this can affect their work and social life. They may have to take days off frequently, and this affects their productivity at work. Additionally, when they fall sick, they may have to avoid meeting with people to prevent spreading the illness, and this can affect their social life. Hence, people who have low immunity may feel like they are always missing out on things.

Approaches to Boost Immunity

When people know that they have low immunity, they tend to take action to boost it. There are various approaches that they can take. First, they can change their diet to include more fruits and vegetables or take dietary supplements. Second, they can start exercising regularly. Exercise helps to reduce stress and strengthen the immune system. Third, they can try to reduce their stress levels. Lastly, they can visit a healthcare professional for medical advice on how to boost their immunity.

Stigma around Low Immunity

Despite people's efforts to boost their immunity, there is still some stigma surrounding low immunity. People with low immunity may feel like they are weak and cannot handle the same workload as their colleagues with better immunity. Additionally, their coworkers may also view them as unproductive and careless about their health. This can lead to discrimination against those with low immunity in the workplace, and they may face difficulty in their career development.


Overall, it is crucial to understand that low immunity levels can impact a person's life significantly. Therefore, it is essential to take steps to boost immunity and prevent illnesses. Additionally, we should also promote acceptance and understanding towards people who have low immunity, rather than stigmatizing them. Everyone should have equal opportunities to succeed and thrive, regardless of their health condition.